Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wild rubber

1 comment:

  1. Another excellent choice in your cow-toons showed above. They illustrate how a nation full of senseless, miserable, ignorant and murderous morons, need a sensless, miserable, ignorant and murdering moron like Sodom Hussein to keep law and order in the land. All those denizens of sand and gravel banks should be left to their business of killing in the name of Allah,. Yes, left to their own in killing one another. It can be retionalised as just being another method of birth control. They of course cannot feed the millions living in their arid sand and gravel bank countries. They rely on other countries who are not gifted with sand and gravelbanks for food. Our upright and justice centered Politicians, (said tongue in cheek of course), should consider this method of dealing with the matter. In any case, if the French develop their fusion powerplants which they seem to be doing, we will no longer need Arab oil to power our needs in the future.


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