Wednesday, February 19, 2014


1 comment:

  1. Yarse, in response to the "Ignorance Swap Meet " Cartoon Above. I say, "Let the men of wisdom speak". Men of wisdom? There's not a one of them that has ever had an idea of his own, They are like the Daleks of Dr. Who fame, who keep on hollerin' "Destroy !". "Destroy !". They are programmed in every respect , like an avid Communist or Nazi who follow the party line whatever it is If it means the destruction of the country that's OK, they will have their own way. Then they'll fix the blame on everyone else. They break the commandment that says, "Do not bear false witness against thy neighbour" while professing to be deeply religious. Hypocrites, liars, thieves, capable of murder if they find a way of commiting it without getting caught. They all would screw their own mothers for $1,28. They all tell you that they stand on Honesty, Truth, Justice, Faith, Patriotism, Heritage and Charity toward others. People who do stand for these things don't brag about it. They live it. I would just love to find myself in a situation where I was alone with one or even two of the bastards. Whoever found them would have to scrape them off the walls. Historically, their types have eventually met with a nasty end. Why change now. Hooray for common decency. John of Vermont


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