Tuesday, December 7, 2010

May they all rot in hell


I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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  1. Translation of Obama's press conference -- "I ran away from the bullies and that makes me brave."

    One term...and I say this as a card-carrying member of the ACLU.

  2. Don't be so severe with him. You don't know what we have to bear in Italy!

  3. Yes, I suppose it's always worse someplace else.

  4. It may always be worse someplace else, but that wouldn't be Italy. We have seriously worse income inequality than even that less corrupt, now less feudal, now less hereditarily caste-hardened society has to bear, without any of our pretenses to equal opportunity.

    I'm v taken with JTC's opening remark. As to the 2nd, I suppose everyone will need to weigh for himself the urgency of doing no more harm to the Federal courts, especially the Supreme one. Although we are, as you might say, always blackmailed about something, by our representative Parties, even so, I couldn't calculate the devastation of another Samuel Alito on the Court. I don't give a damn about the nominal "debt" we leave the next generation, but I do care about the residue of Due Process under these god damned monsters.


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