Monday, September 14, 2009

Off to the final dance floor

A fond remembrance: "Road House" is a delight to watch because it's one of the best truly awful films made in the past few decades -- and quasi-homoerotic to boot. The shirtless fight scenes are just ridiculous. But any guy who could unabashedly star in that insane movie couldn't be all bad. Alas, farewell Patrick. We hardly knew ye.

Patrick Swayze Dies
By Anita Gates, The New York Times, September 14, 2009

Patrick Swayze, the balletically athletic actor who rose to stardom in the films “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost” and whose 20-month battle with advanced pancreatic cancer drew wide attention, died Monday. He was 57. . . .

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  1. Road House is one of my FAVORITE guilty pleasures. Love the movie.

    He will be missed.

  2. Patrick Swayze was in a bar here in Toronto a number of years ago and I had the chance to talk to him. Nobody seemed to recognise him but I did and we talked about his hobby at that time--quarter horse breeding. He had a farm near London Ontario near Tommy Hunter's place.

    He was just so relaxed and unaffected and it was going swimmingly until his "personal assistant" broke in and ended the chat.


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