Thursday, November 21, 2013

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  1. As to the above photo; I once made it a practice to visit Europe at least once every 3 years. I appreciate France best. It is easy to be overcome by the beauty that overcomes you at every turn, there As to the politics of the U.S.A, : I like to paraphrase the closing part of the Gettysburg Address. "Government of the Corporation, by the Corporation, for the Corporation, And this includes all the followers of Ayn Rand, shall not perish from this world ! "

  2. This photo could be on the island of Mykonos, Greece. Other Greek islands have windmills as well. Nonetheless, a beautiful photo. Don't know, however, that it has anything to do with US politics or the Gettysburg Address.

  3. The sails on the windmill define it as western Europe, maybe Spain. so does the hobnailed door. The political statement is obviously a separate statement which is quite clear. This blog is steered both in the direction of soft porn and politics. Political commentary is depicted in the choices of the political cartoons it provides us with. Thank the blog for providing us with this variety. I wish others would do the same.


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